Saturday, October 30, 2010

Three Weeks With My Brother Post #5

Summary: Throughout the book the reader would get the chance to explore the personal lives of Nick and Micah Sparks. Usually there are flashbacks that take the reader back to a time in which the brothers were very young. The flashbacks usually demonstrate the realtionships between the boys, and their sister Dana. However in this section of the book, we begin to see the children's relationship with their parents. We also see a little bit of the daily lives of their parents, as the story shifts from one character to another. I realized that Nicholas feels somwhat inferior to his brothers because Micah gets special attention because he is the eldest. While Dana also gets special attention because she is the only girl in the family. Infact, i remember reading a certain part of the story in which Dana got away with getting a bad grade. When Nicholas asked his mother why Dana got away with that, she told him it's because Dana is a girl. This small paragraph in the book made me think of both today's and the previous generations. Women and Men have had differences since the beginning of time. And the conflict regarding women's rights is still in affect. I was surprised when i read this book because it does not only show the adventures of the major characters, as they travel around the world. The book can also be a lesson that is relevant to today's society, and the many cultures of the world. I learned things that I never knew before while reading this book. Most of the new things I learned had to do with culture of the different countries that Micah, and Nicholas traveled to.

Quote: " you have been depressed, huh? Well i'm pretty sure you have animal spirits between your ears. i think we have to dig them out." "okay chief as long as you knowwhat youre doing" "of course I know what I'm doing. havent you seen our jars and bowls? Were an advanced civilization. Now had me that jaguar bone, lean over that rock and let me dig in." "okeydockey"

This quote is what Nicholas was thinking of when he realized that they were stepping into an area in which the Incas have preformed surgery. I think that he interperated it in this way because he is foreign to ancient forms of medical treatment. This quote demonstrates one of the many ways that we can learn about culture as we follow the Sparks Brothers around the world.

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