The movie "Slumdog Millionaire" (like the book) focuses on the life of Jamal, who is a young boy growing up in the slums of India. While he is growing up, Jamal experiences many challenges, including violent uprisings, to which his mother became a victim. Ever since he lost their mother, Jamal and his brother Salim have struggled to maintain their family ties, despite Salim's constant arrogance, and attitude towards Jamal. They soon befriend an orphan girl "Latika" and the three grow close and call themselves "The Three Musketeers." The only way for them to get by is by begging, or what their teacher calls "their job."
After a long period of working they discover that their teacher values the money they receive more than their health so they end up escaping, yet Latika gets captured, and stays while working as a dancer.
Reaction: The violence and the Hatred that young children are exposed to is really surprising. The attack that ended Jamal's mother's life was caused by a growing hatred between the Hindus and the Muslims in India. The fact that grown men would attack others, including young children is sickening. The religious differences between two cultures do not justify the violence that young children have to go through. They do not justify any violence period. One can't imagine what it must be like growing up through this violence.
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